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Skewers in Chess [A Practical Guide with Examples]

Skewers in Chess [A Practical Guide with Examples]

Contents1 How to Skewer in Chess1.1 Primary Target1.2 Secondary Target2 Exemplary Chess Games of Skewers in Chess2.1 White tricked black player, Skewer Game:12.2 A skewer which won the queen, Game 2:2.3 Cocnlusion Skewers in chess are tactics where a more ...

What are Pins in Chess [A Practical Guide]

What are Pins in Chess [A Practical Guide]

Contents1 What are pins in chess?2 Types of Pins in Chess2.1 Absolute Pin2.2 Relative Pin2.3 How to Use Pins in Chess Effectively2.3.1 Identify Vulnerable Pieces2.3.2 Create Absolute Pins2.3.3 Exploit Relative Pins3 5 Exemplary Chess Games of Pins3.1 Exploiting the Pin, ...

Fork in Chess [The Double Threat that Wins Material]

Fork in Chess [The Double Threat that Wins Material]

Contents1 Understanding Forks2 The key elements of a fork include2.1 Double Threat2.2 Material Gain2.3 Coordination2.4 Exemplary Chess Games of Forks Theme in Chess2.5 Example 1: Paul Morphy vs. Count Isouard and the Duke of Brunswick (1858)2.6 Example 2: Spassky vs ...

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